Porsche 968 Forum


Show your support of www.968Forums.com

This site is a non-profit resource and community site. It is funded by the support of the sponsors and members. Membership is free, but we appreciate any monetary support our members can add. It goes toward ensuring that this site remains the best place in the world for 968 Enthusiasts to gather and to seek and share information. As an individual sponsor, in addition to our undying gratitude, you also get some cool stuff.
    What you get:
    • Your membership group will show “Supporter”
    • You will receive our undying gratitude, and the knowledge that you are helping to ensure a great forum for those of us who love this car.

  • BOOSTER $50
    What you get:
    • Everything above PLUS your membership group will show “Booster”

  • ADVOCATE $100
    What you get:
    • Everything above PLUS your membership group will show “Advocate”

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